Meet the Cast of The Penelopiad – Stephanie Swensrude

What is your name?

Stephanie Swensrude

What is your role on The Penelopiad

I play Telemachus, the son of the titular Penelope and Odysseus. As a young man, Telemachus leaves his home of Ithaca to search out his father, who he’s never met. He’s bullied by the maids and suitors as he grows up.

Why should audiences come to see The Penelopiad?

Audiences will love The Penelopiad because it’s the other side of one of the most famous stories of all time. While Odysseus was out having his mythical adventure, his wife was living her own interesting tale. You know the saying, behind every great man is a great woman? Come see her story.

What would you say would be a highlight of working on The Penelopiad so far?

A highlight of the show has definitely been working on a cast of all women. It’s such a different vibe and the work is approached in a different way. I feel so safe and confident making choices in a group of women.

In the play, Penelope reflects upon her life and her choices. Looking back, if you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

If I could give my younger self one piece of advice it would be that my wants and desires are valid, my emotions deserve consideration and to not let people trample on me.

Who is your favourite figure in Greek mythology, and why?

My favourite character in Greek mythology is Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, home and hospitality. She reminds us that our homes are places of refuge that should be calm, cozy and welcoming.

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