
We have set up online donations through We also take donations by mail and through our Box Office on show nights. Thank you to everyone who has made a contribution by volunteer hours, support and monetary means.

Is a Canadian Registered Charity, and will provide you with an income tax receipt for any donation over $20.00 you wish to make.

Walterdale is also an engaged community partner, and is happy to discuss sponsorships with local businesses or others who wish to partner with an Edmonton landmark and long-standing theatre institution. Please contact our Administrator for more information.


Walterdale Theatre has two small endowment funds with the Edmonton Community Foundation.

One was established by the Board of Directors. Anyone can donate. The other was established by the cast and crew of Hamlet in 2009. Any cast, crew, family member associated with a production can donate, and shows which donate a minimum of $200 will have their name displayed on a plaque in the lobby.

You can donate through Walterdale, through the Edmonton Community Foundation (search for Walterdale), or through Canadahelps.

The endowment funds were established to create a long-term sustainable funding base for Walterdale. They’re growing slowly, and any contribution is welcome.

Thank you for considering this chance to help preserve and grow our theatre.