Meet the Cast of The Penelopiad – Samantha Beck

What is your name?

Samantha Beck

What is your role on The Penelopiad


Why should audiences come to see The Penelopiad?

It is a beautiful piece of poetic HERSTORY. This very talented cast and crew will move you to laughter, tears and most importantly- a new understanding of the feminine experience.

What would you say would be a highlight of working on The Penelopiad so far?

Sharing creative space with amazingly talented women who bring their most authentic and truthful work to every rehearsal.

In the play, Penelope reflects upon her life and her choices. Looking back, if you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

We can control one thing in life. Our responses.

It is best to focus on how you react to life instead of trying to control it. Also – gratitude always.

Who is your favourite figure in Greek mythology, and why?

The Goddess Artemis. A lunar Goddess who never married and protected animals.

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