Meet the Cast of A Fitting Confusion – James Ostime

What is your name?

James Ostime

What is your role in this play, or on this production team?

I play Dartagnan, the clueless husband of the lead character’s mistress. If that sounds confusing, it gets even more complicated!

This show includes a number of preposterous lies. Tell us two unbelievable truths and a preposterous lie about yourself.  (Or two preposterous truths and a believable lie?)  

I’ve never driven a car.

My cats are named Pickles and Onions.

This is my first time onstage in more than 10 years.

Which one was a lie? 

My cats are actually named Pickles and Tomatoes.

Why should audiences come see this show?

Farce is an incredible feat of smart writing, good pacing, and solid actors. And it’s truly something to be experienced LIVE and IN PERSON! A FITTING CONFUSION has all of this and more. I can’t wait for you to see it!

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