Meet the Cast of A Fitting Confusion – Lauren Tamke

What is your name?

Lauren Tamke

What is your role in this play, or on this production team?

Suzanne, the other woman

This show includes a number of preposterous lies. Tell us two unbelievable truths and a preposterous lie about yourself.  (Or two preposterous truths and a believable lie?)  

To stay on brand with the show:

I have been to Paris, France

I have lived in an apartment number 1B

I once rode an ostrich with black plumes

Which one was a lie? 

I have never lived in apartment “1B”.

You’ll have to ask me in-person about the ostrich if you want more details 😉 But don’t worry, no ostriches were harmed!

Why should audiences come see this show?

This show is fast and silly and full of hilarious physical comedy and laughter!

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