Meet the Cast of The Penelopiad – Karla Martinez

What is your name?

Karla Martínez

What is your role on The Penelopiad

Kerthia/Maid 2. Kerthia is a bit sassy at times, my favorite quote from her is, “the fat one is getting impatient.”

Why should audiences come to see The Penelopiad?

I think this team of women are so talented. We sing, we act, we weave, and we get to be haunting and beautiful all at the same time.

What would you say would be a highlight of working on The Penelopiad so far?

Definitely the singing. I enjoy the melodies we’ve created but also the amazing harmonies I get to hear when all of us are singing.

In the play, Penelope reflects upon her life and her choices. Looking back, if you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Make plans but write them in pencil, so you can erase them and create new ones as things will definitely not turn out the way you want. Life’s funny that way and that’s okay, all those plans will turn into something else entirely, and things will fall into place once again.

Who is your favourite figure in Greek mythology, and why?

Hermes. He created the lyre (and music with it) out of a turtle’s shell, and then gave it to Apollo making him the God of Music. Hermes is also a guide (psychopompos) to Hades, he guides the souls of the dead from their bodies to the River Styx where they wait for Charon.

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