Meet the Director of 1984 – Monica Roberts!

  1. Hi! Who are you and what is your role on this show? I am Monica Roberts and I am the Director for this production of 1984.
  2. What is your background in theatre? At Walterdale? I have a BFA in Theatre from the University of Windsor and a B’Ed in Drama education. I have been involved with Walterdale since 1995 (and clearly was just a child at the time).
  3. Why did you want to direct this show? I believe it is a cautionary tale. After experiencing the rise of many tyrannical political regimes (Russia, Germany, Italy) he (George Orwell) felt compelled to write 1984. I bring this production forward out of my concern for the rise of hate and repression at home and the world. 
  4. Why do you think audiences should come see the show? There are important themes, beautiful performances, and stunning designs in this show. I am proud of 1984 and grateful to everyone that has helped it come to life.
  5. 1984 (the play) is based on the novel of the same name that predicts a dystopian future (many of us read it in high school)… what’s your favourite dystopian novel/movie and why? 1984, Of course! I also felt powerfully moved by Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. When I first read the novel I was struck by how close it felt to reality. This was around the time of the Polytechnique massacre and the debate around legalized abortion in Alberta. It all heightened my awareness of my vulnerability as a women and the lesson I internalized was that I can never let politics be a spectator’s sport.

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