Meet the Cast of A Fitting Confusion – Donna Call

What is your name?

Donna Call

What is your role in this play, or on this production team?

Madame Aigreville

This show includes a number of preposterous lies. Tell us two unbelievable truths and a preposterous lie about yourself.  (Or two preposterous truths and a believable lie?)  

My father lived to 100 years old!

I am secretly related to the Queen of Greenland!

I was an elephant in a past life!

My favourite thing in the world to do is to vacuum!

Which one was a lie? 

I am not related to the Queen of Greenland, but if everyone keeps saying I am, is the fridge light on or is the fridge light on?

Why should audiences come see this show?

Let out your Inner Laugher – its been locked up too long!

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