Meet the Cast of THE WOMEN – Katrina Kunkel is in the Ensemble!

What is your role in The Women? I get the opportunity as an ensemble member to play 1st Hairdresser, Princess Tamara, Miss Watts, and 2nd Girl. I am excited to play a variety of characters from varying social statuses and backgrounds who have differing beliefs of the world around them.

What is your background in theatre? In Edmonton? At Walterdale? This is my first performance with Walterdale! I took some drama classes at the University of Alberta and had the opportunity to perform in ABBEDAM and the New Works Festival at the University. I absolutely fell in love with the experience.
What brought you out for The Women? I was drawn to the story and the cast size and was intrigued that it would be an all female cast. I enjoyed my past theatre experiences and the support and sense of community that is created through being part of a production. I can say I definitely found that here!
What do you think audiences will take away from the show? Why do you think they should come and see it? While the play was written in 1936, it speaks to issues that are still prevalent in society today. While provoking laughter, the story also provokes a deeper reflection into the multiple facets of female relationships, societal privilege and entitlement, the position of women in society, and the judgment and support that comes from making personal choices. While the audience may or may not agree with the choices of the characters, it opens the door to create dialogue about how it compares or contrasts to each audience member’s own view of the world.
What do you think is the most important issue facing women today (in North America? Globally?)? Why? Control and choices over one’s own body and the sigma surrounding it. The problem is a global one and ranges from access to birth control, genital mutilation, safe abortions, to judgement regarding clothing choices. Many of the decisions surrounding women’s bodies are made with little or no input from women themselves or from the individual woman. Women, and everyone for that matter, should be able to feel safe making personal choices regarding their own body without judgement, discrimination, and harassment from others.

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