Meet the Cast of THE TRIANGLE FACTORY FIRE PROJECT – Kingsley Leung is Eddie Markowitz

What is your role in The Triangle Factory Fire Project? I am an immigrant. I am a Jew. I helped to make this country strong and diverse. They call me Eddie Markowitz – the head shipping clerk at the Triangle Shirt Waist Factory – played by Kingsley Leung.

What is your background in theatre? At Walterdale? This is my 3rd Walterdale production. When they need Asians or funny looking guys, I get the call. My willingness to shave my body and wear high heels on stage make my talents very unique.

Why do you think audiences should see this show? This will be the best Rom-Com you will see this century! Fiery relationships that go up in smoke, burning desires and trailblazing women.

This is a show about terrible working conditions… to lighten the mood, do you have any funny work stories?  As a hospital porter, I was bringing body parts and limbs down to the morgue. I was in the elevator trying to keep everything from falling off my cart, when the doors open with a bunch of doctors standing there and I ask them, “Do you mind if I get a hand?”. That was exquisite fooling!

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