Meet the Cast of LADY WINDERMERE’S FAN – David Owen is Lord Augustus Lorton

david-owenWho: I am David Owen and I play Lord Augustus Lorton.

What is my background in theatre: I have a PhD in theatre and performance studies from York University, an MFA in Directing from the U of C, and an MA in Dramatic Theory and Criticism from the U of A. I am also a member of the Playwright’s Guild of Canada. At the Walterdale, I was the Artistic Director from 1999-2001 and directed Doctor Faustus and The Birthday Party. As an actor at the Walterdale, I was in The Grace of Mary Traverse, Jehanne of the Witches, and the one-act Enter the Giants.

What brought me out: I moved back to Edmonton last year and I wanted to audition for Glengarry Glen Ross but my schedule wouldn’t allow it. This year, finding myself back in Edmonton again and with a more forgiving schedule AND an Oscar Wilde show to try out for, I jumped at the chance! It feels great to be back.

Why should audiences come out: Who doesn’t like to laugh? Audiences should come see the show because it is ridiculously funny but also because it allows us to laugh at ourselves and at relationships and false appearances and societies pressures. These can all be very stressful at times, and taken too seriously, and we can all benefit from a playful critique of this “demmed thing we call society.”

The most fun thing: The outrageous accents!

The most challenging thing: The outrageous accents!

Favourite Wilde quote: “All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does, and that is his.” Algernon, The Importance of Being Earnest.

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