Meet the Cast of FOLLIES! Kristen Finlay is Carlotta Campion!

17903730_10154281208725443_9170162322591061677_nWhat is your role in Follies? I play Carlotta Campion. She was a Weismann Girl in the 1940s and has returned for the reunion before the theatre is closed for good. Carlotta was never the star of the Follies but she is the most successful since, having moved on to movies, then Vegas, and now starring in a television series. She’s happy to come back because she believes it’s important to look at where you came from to appreciate what you have. She also is genuinely fond of all her friends from the ‘good old days’.

What is your background in theatre? At Walterdale? I have been involved in theatre since I was in junior high school. I started doing community theatre shows at Keyano Theatre (a 600 seat theatre in Fort McMurray) when I was in grade 10 and can attest that theatre has always been a very big part of my life. I taught high school drama for several years prior to relocating to Edmonton which moved me into directing and designing shows. Since being in Edmonton I have directed, written, produced, and designed many shows. Some were community theatre, some professional, some fringe. I like that Edmonton has a theatre/arts community that embraces a variety of theatres and artists. I’m a former Artistic Director of Walterdale and am always glad to come back and direct (Chess, Nine, Proof, Rabbit Hole), perform (Steel Magnolias, The Misanthrope, The Threepenny Opera) or design (Village of Idiots, Othello) for Walterdale’s stage. My current day job is in the Marketing department of the Citadel Theatre. I most recently assistant directed Sense and Sensibility at the Citadel and was intern director for the 2017 Citadel/Banff Centre Professional Theatre Program.

Why did you come out for this production? I’m a sucker for Sondheim. Truly. I also loved that this show has room for some many ‘mature’ ladies. You get to a certain age and there are 10 of you all competing for the same part. In this show you all get to be in in, and I knew that it would brign out some strong performers who would be great to work with.

What has been the most challenging thing about doing this show? Words… My song is awesome, but it’s also long with lots of words… I think I have them. The fake-tap was hard at first, but I am actually really happy to be dancing onstage again

What has been the best thing about doing this show? Working with old and new friends. I think the show is so well cast and there’s a really nice atmosphere in rehearsals. There are divas – but only in the good way – divas, because man-oh-man can they sing!

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