Meet the Cast of FOLLIES – Allan Cabral de Sá is Young Buddy!

Allan 499What is your role in this production? My role in Follies is Young Buddy, the thirty years old memory of Buddy himself. He is a youthful, eager, and energetic character in the show who demonstrates to be very committed to his romantic relationship with Sally and his friendship with Ben. Young Buddy had a good life at his time (1940’s), and he was also responsible for introducing Phyllis to Ben. Little did he know that Ben was interested in Sally as well…

What is your background in theatre? My background in theatre started three years ago, when I auditioned for my first play – I don’t even know why I auditioned, but it felt like it was the right thing to do at that time. Before that, I’ve only sung in rock bands and never really considered acting. After graduating business school, I originally wanted to take a university level music program. Some close friends and mentors started suggesting that I applied for the Theatre Arts program at MacEwan University. They said “I think that suits you”, so I gave that a shot. It was the right thing to do. This is my first show at the Walterdale Theatre, and I’m very grateful to be surrounded by people with different backgrounds, sharing their talents with each other on a daily basis. 

Why did you want to be involved in this show? I wanted to be involved because I love Sondheim’s music. On the other hand, it is a career goal of mine to work with the best people I can, and I did have a taste of that in this show.

What do you love about doing theatre? What I love about doing theatre is the ability it has to touch hearts. The audience must leave the theatre more awake and alive than when they first arrived there. I see it as a business of compassion, even if the play is a greek tragedy.

What has been the most challenging part of doing the show? A little line in the beginning of Act 2, when I say “No!”. It took me so long to find the right motivation for it and make it feel natural!

What has been the best thing about doing the show? To learn new material, meet new people and build relationships… Simple things like smiles and hugs are very meaningful to me.

aFolles-0668Allan Cabral de Sá, Veronica Masik, Aidan Spila and Teagan Kamstra

Photo Credit: Nanc Price Photography

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