From Cradle to Stage 2017 – Cast Announcement


5CradleGuenevere by John Richardson 

Guenevere: Miranda Broumas
Chorus: Sarah Spicer, Brooklyn Melnyk, and Erin Forwick-Whalley
Percival/Mordred: Jesse Harlton
Lancelot: Derek Kaye
King Arthur: Kohl Littlechilds
Bedivere: Austin Kumar
Elaine of Astelot: Catherine Wenschlag

Portrait of a Family Dinner by Tessa Simpson

 Basil: Amir Shah
Kristy: Vina Nguyen
Dorian: Julian Stamer
Sybil: Samantha Woolsey
Victoria: Anglia Redding
Chris: Rebecca Ponting

Production Team 

Festival Coordinator: Vlady Peychoff
Guenevere Director: Eric Smith
Portrait Director: Laura Ly
Portrait Mentor Director:  Bethany Hughes
Guenevere Stage Manager: Rebecca Sokoluik
Production Manager: Catherine Wenschlag
Set Designer/Head of Paint: Joan Hawkins
Costume Designer: Jaimie Lievers
Lighting Designer: Karlie Christie
Sound Designer: Nicholas Juba
Master Builder: Alan Westen
Costume Mentor:   Geri Dittrich

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